Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Weight Loss

My entire life I have struggled with my weight. When you have the genes I was assigned and a love of food, there is no doubt that pugginess shall ensue! In February of last year, I decided to look into lap band surgery. I talked to my doctor on post, who referred me to an awesome group of people at Scott & White Hospital in Temple, Texas. I honestly had always thought of any type of weight loss surgery as "cheating." I mean, come on, if you want to lose weight, you just diet and exercise. I had lost almost 100 lbs in 2001-02 doing just that. However, after having two kids, a tubal ligation and being almost 40, it just wasn't happening for me. I am so glad that I gave up my prejudices. I had lap band surgery on July 8, 2010, and it has been a wonderful experience for me. I did have some issues with my insurance and our move, but those seem to be staightened out and I received my 4th fill this morning. The weight itself hasn't come off as fast as I hoped it would, but I just feel so much better. I am down 44lbs and find that I have so much more energy than I had. Randy and I are doing the 30 Day Shred together every evening. There is no way I would have let him see me workout at my starting weight. My goal is to lose 100lbs by the first anniversary of my surgery. I am not sure that it is going to happen, but that is my goal! So, if you are out there and you have tried losing weight and it just isn't happening, and you are thinking about weight loss surgery, I say talk to your doctor and then go for it!

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